• company
  • international timber market
  • regional timber market
  • timber brokerage

  • sawn timber

    Road-shaped materials - Strength graded construction timber


    The term strength-graded construction timber is used to describe sawn timber (without finger joints) that is obtained by cutting or profiling round timber in a sawmill for load-bearing purposes. To be used for construction purposes, solid wood must be graded according to a visual or mechanical grading method in accordance with ÖNORM EN 14081-1. Visual grading in Austria continues to be carried out according to the recognised grading standard ÖNORM DIN 4074-1.


    Different strength classes apply. For finishing, the sawn timber can be subjected to further processing stages, e.g. technical drying, planing, chamfering and further profiling. Depending on the type of wood, the construction wood has a different natural durability against pest infestation. To increase the durability, the wood can be treated with preventive wood preservatives. In addition to the normative requirements, there are also the quality association "MH Massivholz Austria" and the quality association "Gütegemeinschaft Konstruktionsholz KVH" which define quality criteria that go beyond the norm.